Evergreen Valley College

Summer 2024 Zero Textbook Cost Courses

IO - Internet Online    IH = Internet Hybrid    SOlec=Synchronous Online Lecture   SOlab=Synchronous Online Lab WE=Work Experience 

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Last Update: 09/11/2024 2:30 PM

AJ 010 - Intro to Admin of Justice
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math:
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
Students are introduced to the origins and development of criminal law, legal process, and sentencing and incarceration policies in the United States. Focus is placed on examining crime measurement, theoretical explanations of crime, responses to crime, components of the system, and current challenges to the system. The course examines the evolution of the principles and approaches utilized by the justice system and the evolving forces that have shaped those principles and approaches.
Reg ID
123151 201 IO   06/03/24— 07/03/24 CANVAS  Bevan, Cindy
Note: Course uses Respondus Proctoring Software for exams. This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
AJ 013 - Criminal Procedures
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math:
Transfer Status: CSU |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course will cover the history, legal terminology, and principles of criminal procedures. Constitutional provisions, interpretation of statutory and case law, legal aspects of arrest, rules governing search and seizure, and institutional responsibilties of the criminal justice system within a multicultural society are examined.
Reg ID
123188 201 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Montelongo, Virginia
Note: Course uses Respondus Proctoring Software for exams. This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
ANTH 062 - Intro to Physical Anthropology
Reg ID
123195 201 IO   06/03/24— 07/03/24 CANVAS  Gonzalez, Ana
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
123198 202 IO   07/08/24— 08/08/24 CANVAS  Gonzalez, Ana
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
ANTH 062L - Physical Anthropology Lab
Reg ID
123202 201 IO   06/03/24— 07/03/24 CANVAS  Flores, Gustavo
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
123204 202 IO   06/03/24— 07/03/24 CANVAS  Gonzalez, Ana
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
ANTH 063 - Intro to Soc/Cultural Anthro
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math:
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course introduces the student to an overview of the field of social and cultural anthropology. Topics include the development of the field of anthropology, the concept of culture, language and communication, subsistence patterns and economic systems. Other topics covered are sex and marriage, family, kinship and descent, political systems, belief systems, the expressive culture and the challenge of globalization.
Reg ID
123208 201 IO   06/03/24— 07/03/24 CANVAS  Flores, Gustavo
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
ART 024 - Beginning Drawing
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math:
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
Students are introduced to the fundamental elements and compositional principles of drawing. Lecture and studio practice will emphasize a variety of media, tools and techniques in studying the elements and principles of drawing, including line, shape, value, perspective, proportion, balance and unity.
Reg ID
123214 201 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Chi, Lei
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
ART 090 - Art Appreciation
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math:
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This is an introductory course to the appreciation of the visual arts. The course provides insight into the various cultural contexts, theories, terminology, themes, design principles, media, and techniques of arts and artifacts of world cultures across time.
Reg ID
123213 201 IO   06/03/24— 07/03/24 CANVAS  Gonzales, Mark
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
123216 202 IO   06/03/24— 07/03/24 CANVAS  Gonzales, Mark
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
ART 096 - History of Asian Art
Reg ID
123219 201 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Gustlin, Deborah
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
ATH 058 - Sports Cndtn for Comp Athletes
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math: 0
Recommended: Enrollment in an intercollegiate athletic course
Transfer Status: CSU |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This sports conditioning course is designed for the competitive athletes. The class involves Components of Fitness, Sports Conditioning, Training Protocols and Nutritional information for pre and post season.
Reg ID
123221 201 Lab MTWTHF   12:45 PM—02:35 PM 07/15/24— 08/16/24 Cook, Simon
Note: This is a traditional in-person, ON-CAMPUS class with scheduled meetings on the days and times listed above. Class may be web-enhanced using Canvas and/ or other applications. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
BIOL 020 - Human Biology
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math: 2
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course introduces students to the form and function of the human body. BIOL-020 includes an overview of atoms and molecules, acids and bases, movement in solutions, important classes of biological molecules, the cell, human genetics, biotechnology, and issues in human ecology. Emphasis is on the basic anatomy and physiology of the body's major organ systems. The course is tailored for non-science majors and meets the General Education requirement for life science with a lab.
Reg ID
121880 201 Lab TWTH   08:30 AM—11:20 AM 06/17/24— 07/25/24 MS203  Bailetti Saez, Alessandro
  201 IH   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Bailetti Saez, Alessandro
Note: This ASYNCHRONOUS HYBRID class is a combination of online learning in CANVAS and scheduled in-person, on-campus class meetings on days and times noted above. Students are required to attend the scheduled on-campus class meetings. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
121882 202 Lab TWTH   12:05 PM—02:55 PM 06/17/24— 07/25/24 MS203  McKenna, Austin
  202 IH   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Bailetti Saez, Alessandro
Note: This ASYNCHRONOUS HYBRID class is a combination of online learning in CANVAS and scheduled in-person, on-campus class meetings on days and times noted above. Students are required to attend the scheduled on-campus class meetings. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
121883 203 Lab TWTH   06:00 PM—08:50 PM 06/17/24— 07/25/24 MS203  Greuel, Bridget
  203 IH   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Greuel, Bridget
Note: This ASYNCHRONOUS HYBRID class is a combination of online learning in CANVAS and scheduled in-person, on-campus class meetings on days and times noted above. Students are required to attend the scheduled on-campus class meetings. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
BIOL 061 - Human Heredity-En
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math: 2
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course discusses the importance of human heredity in our lives. Students will study the rapidly changing areas of human heredity including patterns of inheritance, specific genetic disorders, recombinant DNA and other genetic-based biotechnologies, the role of genetic counseling and genetic tests, reproductive therapies, and bioethics. This is a CSU/UC transferable general education life science course suitable for non-majors.
Reg ID
121886 201 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Gonzalez, Alfred
Note: Enlace Program course. Email Enlace Program Coordinator if interested in registering for the course at (enlaceprogram@evc.edu). This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
121887 202 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Gonzalez, Alfred
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
BIOL 080F - Forest and River Ecology
Reg ID
121892 201 Lec TSU   05:00 PM—07:25 PM 05/28/24— 06/02/24 S112  Green, Adam
  201 Lec TSU   05:00 PM—07:25 PM 05/28/24— 06/02/24 S112  Gonzalez, Alfred
  201 Lab   06/03/24— 06/08/24 OFC  Green, Adam
  201 Lab   06/03/24— 06/08/24 OFC  Gonzalez, Alfred
  201 Lec SU   09:00 AM—11:25 AM 06/09/24— 06/09/24 S112  Green, Adam
  201 Lec SU   09:00 AM—11:25 AM 06/09/24— 06/09/24 S112  Gonzalez, Alfred
Note: On-campus meetings will be held on Tuesday (5/28/24) 5:00pm-7:25pm, Sunday (6/2/24) 5:00pm-7:25pm, and Sunday (6/9/24) 9:00am-11:25am in Sequoia S112. Field Trip: Monday 6/3 to Saturday 6/8 in Redwood National Park, Prairie Creek State Park, Klamath River, and Jedediah Smith State Park. This is a traditional in-person class with scheduled meetings on the days and times listed above. Class may be web-enhanced using Canvas. Cost: Students will be responsible for park entrance and campground fees and other activity-related expenses. The payment of $150 must be made to EVC Business Services prior to the second class meeting. Space is limited so register early. For additional class-specific requirements, please contact the course instructors: adam.green@evc.edu and alfred.gonzalez@evc.edu. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses.
BIOL 080G - Volcanoes of California
Reg ID
121893 201 Lec MF   06:00 PM—08:25 PM 07/29/24— 08/12/24 S113  Pang, Lisa
  201 Lec MF   06:00 PM—08:25 PM 07/29/24— 08/12/24 S113  Ernst, Darcy
  201 Lab   08/06/24— 08/11/24 OFC  Pang, Lisa
  201 Lab   08/06/24— 08/11/24 OFC  Ernst, Darcy
Note: ON-CAMPUS CLASS MEETINGS (3): Monday, July 29, Friday, August 2, Monday, August 12 from 6:00-8:25 PM in the Natural History Museum (S109). FIELD TRIP (1 week): Tuesday, August 6 - Sunday, August 11. Cost: Students will be responsible for park entrance and campground fees and other activity-related expenses. The payment of $100 must be made to EVC Business Services prior to the second class meeting. Space is limited so register early. For further information please contact the course instructors: Darcy Ernst (Darcy.Ernst@evc.edu) or Lisa Pang (Lisa.Pang@evc.edu). Lassen National Park - Join us in studying the human and natural history of volcanic northern California. This course will take you through lava tubes, up the side of a volcanic cinder cone (and down in the crater, if you dare), with a grand finale at the top of Mt. Lassen's peak height of 10,457 feet. We'll cool off at the base of Burney Falls for a well-deserved rest. The course begins with two on-campus orientation and instruction sessions (required), but then we're off into the field! Our last class meeting on August 12th is a (required) debrief and clean-up session. In addition to the advantage and adventure of learning about nature in nature, you will also earn one unit of biology credit. And you can have a whole lot of fun doing it. Join us and see what the excitement is all about! This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
COMS 010 - Interpersonal Communication
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math:
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course provides students with an understanding of basic principles of general and interpersonal communication. It enables them to develop better interpersonal effectiveness through discussion of both effective and ineffective communication techniques, emphasizing the practice of constructive interactive skills.
Reg ID
123223 201 IO   06/10/24— 07/11/24 CANVAS  Rowe, Karen
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
123224 202 IO   06/10/24— 07/11/24 CANVAS  Rowe, Karen
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
123225 203 IO   07/08/24— 08/08/24 CANVAS  Hamilton, David
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
123226 204 IO   07/08/24— 08/08/24 CANVAS  Pashtunyar, Rahmon
Note: Course uses Respondus Proctoring Software for exams. This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
123227 205 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Nisa, Zainab
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
COMS 020 - Oral Communication
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math:
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
Students are taught the skills of speechmaking. Students focus on the following basic elements: rhetorical theory, researching, organizing and outlining a topic, analyzing an audience, effective use of language, ethics, effective presentation aids, critical listening, credibility, and physical delivery. Students will be required to attend speech activities outside of the classroom environment.
Reg ID
123228 201 IO   06/03/24— 07/03/24 CANVAS  Carrion, John
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
123229 202 IO   06/03/24— 07/03/24 CANVAS  Carrion, John
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
123232 204 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Hamilton, David
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
123311 207 IO   07/08/24— 08/08/24 CANVAS  Bejarin, Vivian
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a LTC (low textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for a low cost or a hard copy for a low cost. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/low-textbook-cost-courses
123314 208 IO   07/08/24— 08/08/24 CANVAS  Carrion, John
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
123320 209 IO   06/03/24— 07/03/24 CANVAS  Carrion, John
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
COMS 045 - Small Group Communication
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math:
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
Students study communication and decision making within the group context. Concepts such as group interaction; leadership, status and power; conflict and cohesiveness; rules and roles; verbal and nonverbal messages and problem-solving will be investigated.
Reg ID
123339 201 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Pashtunyar, Rahmon
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
ENGL 001A - English Composition
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 0   |  Write: 0  | Math:
Prerequisite: Continuing students must complete ((ENGL 104 or ENGL 092) and (ENGL 102 or READ 101)) or ESL 091; all with C or better. New students will be placed based on the results of assessment.
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
English 001A is the first course in a transfer level sequence (English 001A, 001B) designed to equip students with the skills necessary for writing college level compositions. The course emphasizes expository writing, critical reading, and research techniques. Students are required to produce a series of academic essays including a documented research paper in conventional format. Analysis of readings and the practice of writing processes create the bases for student essays. All English 001A students will take a Department Final which will be holistically scored by at least two faculty members and will represent 20% of their course grade.
Reg ID
122152 202 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Ramirez, Susana
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
122154 204 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Banerjee, Sravani
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
ENGL 001C - Critical Thinking/Composition
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 0   |  Write: 0  | Math:
Prerequisite: ENGL 001A with C or better
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course presents the elements of critical reasoning and logic. Students will learn to identify the basic structures of arguments and the ways people use language to fortify or to falsify arguments. Students will analyze and demonstrate these techniques by writing and critiquing essays and using research strategies. This course is specifically designed to meet the IGETC critical thinking requirement.
Reg ID
123906 201 Slec MTWTH   09:00 AM—11:05 AM 06/17/24— 07/25/24 ZOOM  Wilson, Scott
Note: This is a fully SYNCHRONOUS online class with scheduled ZOOM meetings at the times listed above. Students are required to attend the scheduled Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework and classes. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
123907 202 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Eckford, Elizabeth
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
ENVIR 010 - Environmental Science-En
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math: 2
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This is an interdisciplinary course in which students examine the interaction between human civilization and the environment, and the foundations for a sustainable future. Students explore the major issues facing our planet: population growth, resource exploitation, pollution and dwindling biodiversity. They analyze environmental policies and their effectiveness. Field trips are required. The course is designed for non-science majors to meet general education laboratory science requirements in either biological or physical science.
Reg ID
121894 201 Lab TWTH   02:00 PM—04:50 PM 06/17/24— 07/25/24 AC160  Moody, Karen
  201 IH   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Gonzalez, Alfred
Note: Enlace Program course. All students are welcome to register. This ASYNCHRONOUS HYBRID class is a combination of online learning in CANVAS and scheduled in-person, on-campus class meetings on days and times noted above. Students are required to attend the scheduled on-campus class meetings. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
ETH 010 - Intro to Ethnic Studies
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math: 0
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This interdisciplinary course is a combination of the humanities and social sciences. There is an emphasis on the learning of concepts and theories central to the study of Ethnic Studies. The class will also explore the culture concept. Included is an analysis of the interrelationship between the dominant group and various ethnic groups. This course will also serve as an introduction to the experiences and perspectives of selected racial/ethnic group relations in our society.
Reg ID
123750 201 IO   06/03/24— 07/03/24 CANVAS  Nievera-Lozano, Melissaann
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
123752 203 IO   07/08/24— 08/08/24 CANVAS  Seals, Bobby
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
ETH 011 - Ethnic Images in Film
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math: 0
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course will examine contemporary and classic cinema, focusing primarily on US ethnic films from African- American, Native American, Latino, Asian-Pacific Islander, and Middle Eastern American cultures, as a tool to explore universal human themes as well as ethnic/cultural stereotypes.
Reg ID
123365 201 IO   07/08/24— 08/08/24 CANVAS  Seals, Bobby
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
ETH 020 - African American Culture-Af
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math: 0
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course is a survey of the African American experience in the United States. Students will crirtically examine past, present and evolving, social, political and economic cultural dynamics that create African American culture.
Reg ID
123366 201 Lec MTWTH   10:15 AM—12:20 PM 06/17/24— 07/25/24 MS104  Seals, Bobby
Note: Umoja-AFFIRM Program course. See Umoja-AFFIRM counselor to enroll. This is a traditional in-person, ON-CAMPUS class with scheduled meetings on the days and times listed above. Class may be web-enhanced using Canvas and/ or other applications. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
ETH 035 - Sociology-Chicanx Exper
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math: 0
Transfer Status: CSU |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course focuses on Chicanas/os and their relation to U.S. society. It will address some critical areas of the Chicana/o experience in terms of economics, labor, immigration, stereotypes, religion, and police-Chicano conflict. In order to provide a real world analysis of the contemporary role of the Chicana/o in society, this course will focus on the Chicana/o community of San Jose. A central objective of the course is to base both skill development and content on the issues that are of personal and academic interest to the student. The ultimate objective is to use this analysis to come up with strategies for addressing the needs of the Chicana/o and other communities with similar circumstances.
Reg ID
123368 201 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Loyola, Angelina
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
ETH 040 - Vietnamese Amer.Culture/Exper.
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math: 0
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course provides students with a basic theoretical background to study the ancestral origin of the Vietnamese Americans, their migration to the U.S., and assimilation into U.S. culture and society. It follows the evolution of their cultural roots into their ethnic heritage, focusing on their religious and philosophical thoughts, customs, and value system. The course traces the emergence of their minority status, identity, and sense of community, and explores their current status and prospects of ethno-social mobility through education, employment, business, entrepreneurship, and politics. This course meets the Humanities and/or Social Sciences requirements.
Reg ID
123369 201 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Ninh, Thien Huong
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
123370 202 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Ninh, Thien Huong
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
ETH 042 - Asian American Experience
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math: 0
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course covers (1) the Asian backgrounds, migration, ethnic culture (particularly major religious beliefs, philosophical thoughts, value system, customs, and traditions), and American experiences APAs as a whole have in common; (2) unique aspects of each Asian American co-group, with more emphasis on the six largest groups: Chinese, Filipino, Indian, Vietnamese, Korean, and Japanese Americans. Also of special importance are key concepts, theories, and perspectives pertinent to this study, as well as American experiences APAs share with other U.S. racial groups, especially African American and Latino Americans. This course is a combination of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Reg ID
123371 201 IO   07/08/24— 08/08/24 CANVAS  Nievera-Lozano, Melissaann
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
123372 202 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Ninh, Thien Huong
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
HIST 017A - History of the United States
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math:
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course surveys the political, economic, cultural, social, and intellectual development of the United States. The course emphasizes the interactions among Europeans, Africans, and American Indians in North America beginning with European colonization, through the creation of the U.S. Republic, its expansion west, and the developments leading up to the Civil War and Reconstruction. Along with History 017B, it meets the District requirement in Unites States History and Constitution and State and local government. History 001 may not be combined with either History 017A or History 017B to meet the requirement in United States History, Constitution and American Ideals.
Reg ID
123376 201 IO   07/08/24— 08/08/24 CANVAS  Tirado, Patricia
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
HIST 017B - History of the United States
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math:
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course surveys the political, economic, cultural, social and intellectual development of the United States from Reconstruction to the present. The course emphasizes the U.S. expansion to the Pacific, its rise as a superpower through WW I and WW II, and the Cold War. Students will examine the role of major ethnic, gender and social groups in U.S. history. Along with History 17A, it meets the requirement in United States History, constitution and state and local government. History I may not be combined with either History 017A or History 017B to meet the graduation requirement in United States History, Constitution and American Ideals.
Reg ID
123379 203 IO   07/08/24— 08/08/24 CANVAS  Tirado, Patricia
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
KINS 009A - Badminton, Beginning
Reg ID
123382 201 Lab MTWTH   10:15 AM—12:20 PM 06/17/24— 07/25/24 GYM  Betencor, Oriolando
Note: This is a traditional in-person, ON-CAMPUS class with scheduled meetings on the days and times listed above. Class may be web-enhanced using Canvas and/ or other applications. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
KINS 009B - Badminton Intermediate
Grading: O   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math: 0
Recommended: KINS 009A or equivalent
Transfer Status: CSU |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
Students will learn necessary skills for performing in badminton at the intermediate level including developing effective short, drive and long serves. Shots developed include backcourt clears, drops, smashes, and blocks. Students will refine their ability to apply tactics in doubles, mixed and singles play. Competitive games will be played regularly.
Reg ID
123384 201 Lab MTWTH   10:15 AM—12:20 PM 06/17/24— 07/25/24 GYM  Betencor, Oriolando
Note: This is a traditional in-person, ON-CAMPUS class with scheduled meetings on the days and times listed above. Class may be web-enhanced using Canvas and/ or other applications. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
KINS 009C - Badminton Advanced
Grading: O   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math: 0
Recommended: Completion of KINS 009B or equivalent
Transfer Status: CSU |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
Students will learn necessary skills for performing in badminton at the advanced level including footwork and court positioning, reading the opponents' strengths and weaknesses and adjusting tactics, developing greater power with control in all shots. Students will learn techniques for improved quickness and shot anticipation. Competitive matches are played regularly.
Reg ID
123385 201 Lab MTWTH   10:15 AM—12:20 PM 06/17/24— 07/25/24 GYM  Betencor, Oriolando
Note: This is a traditional in-person, ON-CAMPUS class with scheduled meetings on the days and times listed above. Class may be web-enhanced using Canvas and/ or other applications. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
KINS 033 - Intro to Kinesiology & PE
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math: 0
Transfer Status: CSU |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course is an introduction to the interdisciplinary approach to the study of Kinesiology. An overview of the importance of the sub-disciplines in Kinesiology will be discussed. Students will explore career opportunities in the areas of education, coaching, wellness, fitness, Allied Health, recreation, and fitness professions. [KINS-033 is the same as PED-033]
Reg ID
123386 201 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Cook, Simon
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
KINS 070A - Fitness Walking Beg
Grading: O   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math: 0
Transfer Status: CSU |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course is designed to teach fitness walking. The student will learn fitness walking techniques, fitness walking exercise principles, and different fitness walking training programs. Students will participate in fitness walking throughout the semester and learn fitness walking measurement and evaluation techniques. This class is intended for walkers of any age, fitness level, and skill level.
Reg ID
123389 201 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Cook, Simon
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
KINS 500 - EVC Wellness Fitness Center
Reg ID
123390 201 Lab MTWTH   12:30 PM—02:35 PM 06/17/24— 07/25/24 FC101  Betencor, Oriolando
Note: This is a traditional in-person, ON-CAMPUS class with scheduled meetings on the days and times listed above. Class may be web-enhanced using Canvas and/ or other applications. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
MUSIC 083 - Exploring the World of Music
Reg ID
123392 201 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Farshadfar, Maryam
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
MUSIC 091 - Music App-Western Civilization
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math:
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course provides the opportunity for students with no previous musical experience, to develop an appreciation of the music of western cultures through the development of aural listening skills. The course focuses on the relationships between composers and the times in which they lived. Included in each unit of study is a discussion of the influence of government, philosophy, art, religion, and musical composition. Attendance at a live performance is required.
Reg ID
123393 201 IO   07/08/24— 08/08/24 CANVAS  Farshadfar, Maryam
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
MUSIC 093 - Intro. to Film Music
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math: 0
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course serves as an introduction to the study of Hollywood film music from the 1920’s to the present day. The class will explore the relationship between film and sound through original and adopted film scores. This course will explore both historic and technical aspects of film music.
Reg ID
123394 201 IO   07/08/24— 08/08/24 CANVAS  Farshadfar, Maryam
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
MUSIC 099 - Introductory Music
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math:
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course is designed for the student who wishes to learn the "language" of music; how to read, notate, interpret, perform, and create with those symbols which represent the four properties of sound: pitch, duration, amplitude, and timbre. It includes the study of the fundamentals of Western notated music and how these elements combine to create musical compositions: pitch identification, rhythm and meter, scales, key signatures, intervals, chord construction, harmonic progression and texture. Students will discuss style analysis, ie., what elements of music are organized in various cultures and time periods.
Reg ID
123397 202 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Chen, Hsuan-Ya
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
OCEAN 010 - Oceanography
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math: 2
Recommended: Math 111 with "P" or placement based on math assessment
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course provides a description of the ocean environment covering the geological, physical, chemical and biological aspects of the sea. It includes the origin and extent of the oceans, nature of the ocean basins, causes and effects of currents, waves, tides, and plant and animal life in the ocean. The course partially fulfills the general education requirement in physical science, without a laboratory.
Reg ID
121895 201 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Gonzalez, Alfred
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
PED 022A - Adapted Cross Training
Grading: O   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math: 0
Recommended: Temporary or permanent verifiable disability and written verification provided by a physician or other appropriate professional.
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course is designed to provide an individualized program for overall fitness for the student with a documented disability. The goal is to provide the student with the means to improve the health related components of fitness through a variety of fitness activities.
Reg ID
123398 201 Lab MTWTH   02:45 PM—04:50 PM 06/17/24— 07/25/24 PE202  Naderi, Ramin
Note: This is a traditional in-person, ON-CAMPUS class with scheduled meetings on the days and times listed above. Class may be web-enhanced using Canvas and/ or other applications. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
PHIL 060 - Logic and Critical Thinking
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math:
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This is an introductory course in informal logic and critical reasoning. Students are instructed in the practical applications of inferential, inductive and deductive reasoning, problem analysis/resolution, the logic systems entailed by language, word-functions, definition, and common fallacies of relevance and ambiguity. There is a strong emphasis on written expression and the application of critical thinking skills in a series of composition assignments.
Reg ID
123401 202 IO   06/03/24— 07/03/24 CANVAS  Mishra, Bhawana
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
123402 203 IO   07/08/24— 08/08/24 CANVAS  Mishra, Bhawana
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
PSYCH 001 - General Psychology
Grading: O   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math:
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This behavioral science course is a basic introduction to the scientific study of the psychological, biological and environmental influences on behavior. It is a survey of traditional and contemporary theories and attitudes about perception, consciousness, learning, memory, thinking, human development, intelligence emotions, motivation, personality, stress/adaptation, abnormal behavior/ treatment, and the social world. It is designed to give insight into oneself and others.
Reg ID
123404 201 Lec MTWTH   09:15 AM—11:20 AM 06/17/24— 07/25/24 MS101  Nagi, Baljit
Note: This is a traditional in-person, ON-CAMPUS class with scheduled meetings on the days and times listed above. Class may be web-enhanced using Canvas. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
123405 202 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Nagi, Baljit
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
123407 204 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Whitehead, Leslye
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
PSYCH 018 - Research Methods
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math:
Prerequisite: PSYCH 001 or PSYCH 010 and MATH 063 with C or better
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course is an introduction to the experimental and correlational methods used in psychological research. Students will learn to research the literature, design and perform experimental and non-experimental research, and write reports on the research findings. Students will perform statistical analyses on data collected from research conducted during lab sessions
Reg ID
123408 201 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Estrada, Grace
Note: Course uses Respondus Proctoring Software for exams. This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
PSYCH 030 - Intro to Bio Psychology
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math:
Prerequisite: PSYCH 001 or PSYCH 010
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course is designed to provide an overview of biological approaches to understanding behavior. The course will cover the general organization of the neural and neuroendocrine systems and their influences in the control of behavior. Animal and human research findings, within the science of brain-behavior relationships, will be included. This course is designed to prepare students for more advanced courses in behavioral neuroscience, clinical psychology, and other health-related fields. It is a required course for psychology majors.
Reg ID
123411 201 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Nagi, Baljit
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
PSYCH 092 - Developmental Psychology
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math:
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course is an introduction to developmental psychology. Human development is traced from conception through death and dying. The biological, cognitive, psychological, social and cultural factors affecting development and the integration and interactions of these factors throughout the lifespan of human beings will be studied. The dynamic interrelationship of these factors to the uniqueness of, and differences between, individuals will also be considered. Development tasks and potential developmental crises in the contemporary multicultural society are identified for each age group.
Reg ID
123412 201 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Estrada, Grace
Note: Course uses Respondus Proctoring Software for exams. This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
123413 202 IO   07/01/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Estrada, Grace
Note: Course uses Respondus Proctoring Software for exams. This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
123414 203 IO   06/03/24— 07/11/24 CANVAS  Ruys, John
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
PSYCH 099 - Abnormal Psychology
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math:
Recommended: Completion of PSYCH 010 recommended
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This introductory course surveys the multidimensional influences on the diagnosis, etiology, and treatment of abnormal patterns of behavior. Traditional psychological models, as well as current research evidence of the reciprocal relationship of biology and behavior, are used to study psychopathology. Clinical cases are used to examine life-span cultural influences on abnormal behavior.
Reg ID
123415 201 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Johnson, Alison
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
SOC 010 - Introduction to Sociology
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math:
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This course is a survey of the principles and basic concepts of sociology. It includes the analysis of American culture, social organization, group behavior, social stratification, racial and ethnic groups, and the dynamics of social change and other social processes.
Reg ID
123417 201 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Pratap, Shaneel
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
SOC 011 - Social Problems
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math:
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
Students will analyze selected contemporary social problems and their impact on society. The relationship between social problems and social change will be addressed and its effect on the family, education, crime, class, poverty, race/ethnicity, population, employment, income distribution, gender inequality, health care, and aging.
Reg ID
123418 201 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Loyola, Angelina
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
THEAT 040 - Introduction to Film
Grading: L   |   Advisory Level  —   Read: 3   |  Write: 3  | Math: 0
Transfer Status: CSU/UC |  Degree Applicable: AA/AS
This is an introductory course in film studies in which students view films and learn to understand the artistic disciplines of film making. Film content is examined in relationship to cinematography, editing, visual design, special effects, sound design, acting, directing, social and cultural contexts.
Reg ID
123419 201 IO   06/03/24— 07/03/24 CANVAS  Kaufmann, John
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses
123422 203 IO   06/17/24— 07/25/24 CANVAS  Torralba, Danielle
Note: This is a fully ASYNCHRONOUS online class with no required in person, on-campus or Zoom meetings. Students will use the college's learning management system, Canvas, for all coursework. For additional class-specific requirements, please email the course instructor. This is a ZTC (zero textbook cost) section. If there is a required textbook, you will be able to access it online for free. To find out more about these courses, visit www.evc.edu/zero-textbook-cost-ztc-courses